
Knowledge painfully acquired

Monday, January 23, 2006

Actor-Network Theory and Activity Theory

After reading Collin Brooke's post on Bruno Latour's Reassembling the Social, I ordered a copy of the book for Tunghai's library. With luck, it'll be on the shelf before the summer. (No, I'm not kidding, unfortunately.)

In the meantime (or is it "mean time"?), I did manage to find a multicolored version of the introduction that gives me some idea of what Latour is writing about.

Also, after reading Collin's review of the book, I wonder what connections there might be between Actor-Network Theory (which I know nothing about) and Activity Theory (which I know next to nothing about)--or whether or not they would be compatible. I see Latour's name cited in some works that take a sociocultural approach to writing (Prior's Writing / Disciplinarity, for instance), but Latour's work doesn't seem to be considered part of Activity Theory as, say, Yrj? Engestr?m's does.

Anyway, I feel I should learn a little more about this at some point, but I don't want it to move me too far away from my dissertation work...

(Ignore the "continue" link.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I came across the following article which compares at ANT and activity theory


5:04 AM  
Blogger Jonathan Benda said...

Thanks--it looks like it will be useful!

3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might also look at Latour's publications in Mind,Culture, and Activity (a journal that has been guided by Cole and Engestrom particularly).

Also, David Russell has made some proposals for studying genre and activity through something that looks more like activity networks (that flatter rhyzomatic image Latour suggests) rather than activity systems (which seems to require some sociological unit).

12:49 PM  

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