
Knowledge painfully acquired

Monday, February 28, 2005

Winter break work

Besides making a somewhat ugly title graphic (like me, my computer is a little colorblind), I spent part of winter vacation searching the online archive for articles about Taiwan and revising a conference paper that is tangentially connnected to my dissertation project. The sources that I downloaded via Syracuse University's library (their database of full-text journals is one reason I have little motivation to finish the dissertation) include articles from the China Quarterly, Asian Survey, and Far Eastern Survey going back to 1942 (and I could have gone earlier). It's a nice collection that has already helped me quite a bit.

Here's a bibliography of some of the sources (with a rough attempt at categorization and a few other sources added in):


Chen, Lucy H. “Literary Formosa.” The China Quarterly 15 (Jul.-Sep. 1963): 75-85.

Davis, D. W. “A New Taiwan Person? A Conversation with Wu Nien-chen.” Positions: East-West Cultures Critique 11.3 (2003): 717-34.

Wang, Georgette. “Popular Music in Taiwan.” Critical Studies in Mass Communication (1986): 366-68.

Yue, Ming-Bao. “’There is No Place like Home’: Diasporic Identifications and Taiwan Cinema of the 1960s and 1970s.” Postcolonial Studies 6.2 (2003): 207-221.


Martin, Roberta. “The Socialization of Children in China and on Taiwan: An Analysis of Elementary School Textbooks.” The China Quarterly 62 (June 1975): 242-62.

McBeath, Gerald A. “Youth Change in Taiwan, 1975-1985.” Asian Survey 26.9 (1986): 1020-36.

Meyer, Jeffrey E. “Teaching Morality in Taiwan Schools: The Message of the Textbooks.” The China Quarterly 114 (June 1988): 267-84.

Wilson, Richard W. “A Comparison of Political Attitudes of Taiwanese Children and Mainlander Children on Taiwan.” Asian Survey 8.12 (1968): 988-1000.

Wright, Teresa. “Student Mobilization in Taiwan: Civil Society and Its Discontents.” Asian Survey 39.6 (1999): 986-1008.

Ethnic Relations:

Appleton, Sheldon. “Taiwanese and Mainlanders on Taiwan: A Survey of Student Attitudes.” The China Quarterly 44 (Oct.-Dec. 1970): 38-65.

Cheng, Peter P. C. “The Formosan Tangle: A Formosan’s View.” Asian Survey 7.11 (1967): 791-806.

Meisner, Maurice. “The Development of Formosan Nationalism.” The China Quarterly 15 (Jul.-Sep. 1963): 91-106.

International Relations:

Lewis, John Wilson. “Quemoy and American China Policy.” Asian Survey 2.1 (1962): 12-19.

Maykovich, Minako K. “Taiwanese Images of Americans and Their Government.” Asian Survey 22.4 (1982): 385-98.

Steiner, H. Arthur. “The United States and the Two Chinas.” Far Eastern Survey 22.6 (May 1953): 57-61.

Japanese Period:

Chen, Edward I-te. “Formosan Political Movements Under Japanese Colonial Rule, 1914-1937.” The Journal of Asian Studies 31.3 (1972): 477-97.

Grajdanzev, A. J. “Formosa (Taiwan) Under Japanese Rule.” Pacific Affairs 15.3 (1942): 311-24.

Wickberg, Edgar. “The Taiwan Peasant Movement, 1923-1932: Chinese Rural Radicalism Under Japanese Development Programs.” Pacific Affairs 48.4 (1975-76): 558-82.

Martial Law:

Bennett, Gordon. Rev. of The Politics of Formosan Nationalism by Douglas Mendel. The China Quarterly 43 (Jul.-Sep. 1970): 142-44.

Chai, Trong R. “The Future of Taiwan.” Asian Survey 26.12 (1986): 1309-23.

Chang, Maria Hsia. “Political Succession in the Republic of China on Taiwan.” Asian Survey 24.4 (1984): 423-46.

Conant, Melvin, Jr. “JCRR: An Object Lesson.” Far Eastern Survey 2 May 1951: 88-92. (Mentions Taiwan, but mostly about mainland)

Converse, Elizabeth. “Formosa: Private Citadel?” Far Eastern Survey 19 Oct. 1949: 249-50.

Dickson, Bruce J. “The Lessons of Defeat: The Reorganization of the Kuomintang on Taiwan, 1950-52.” The China Quarterly 133 (Mar. 1993): 56-84.

Domes, Jurgen. “The 13th Party Congress of the Kuomintang: Towards Political Competition?” The China Quarterly 118 (Jun. 1989): 345-59.

Eastman, Lloyd E. “Who Lost China? Chiang Kai-shek Testifies.” The China Quarterly 88 (Dec. 1981): 658-68.

Engstrom, Richard L., and Chu Chi-hung. “The Impact of the 1980 Supplementary Election on Nationalist China’s Legislative Yuan.” Asian Survey 24.4 (1984): 447-58.

Glass, Sheppard. “Some Aspects of Formosa’s Economic Growth.” The China Quarterly 15 (Jul.-Sep. 1963): 12-34.

Gurtov, Melvin. “Recent Developments on Formosa.” The China Quarterly 31 (Jul.-Sep. 1967): 59-95.

Hood, Steven J. “Political Change in Taiwan: The Rise of Kuomintang Factions.” Asian Survey 36.5 (1996): 468-82.

Jacobs, J. Bruce. “Recent Leadership and Political Trends in Taiwan.” The China Quarterly 45 (Jan.-Mar. 1971): 129-54.

Jacobs, J. Bruce. “Taiwan’s Press: Communications Link and Research Resource.” The China Quarterly 68 (Dec. 1976): 778-88.

Kallgren, Joyce K. Rev. of Formosa Betrayed by George H. Kerr. The China Quarterly 29 (Jan.-Mar. 1967): 173-75.

Kau, Michael Ying-mao. “The Power Structure in Taiwan’s Political Economy.” Informal Politics in East Asia. Asian Survey 36.3 (1996): 287-305.

Kerr, George. “Formosa: Colonial Laboratory.” Far Eastern Survey 23 Feb. 1942: 50-55.

Kerr, George. “Formosa’s Return to China.” Far Eastern Survey 15 Oct. 1947: 205-8.

Kerr, George. “Some Chinese Problems in Taiwan.” Far Eastern Survey 10 Oct. 1945: 284-87.

Kerr, George. “Sovereignty of the Liuchiu Islands.” Far Eastern Survey 25 Apr. 1945: 96-100.

Kerr, George. “The March Massacres.” Far Eastern Survey 5 Nov. 1947: 224-26.

Lancashire, Edel. “Popeye and the Case of Guo Yidong, Alias Bo Yang.” The China Quarterly 92 (Dec. 1982): 663-86.

Lancashire, Edel. “The Lock of the Heart Controversy in Taiwan, 1962-63: A Question of Artistic Freedom and a Writer’s Social Responsibility.” The China Quarterly 103 (Sep. 1985): 462-88.

Liu, Henry Y. “Comment: Taiwan’s Press: Political Communications Link and Research Resource.” [Comment on Jacobs’s 1976 article by the same name] The China Quarterly 71 (Sep. 1977): 608.

Long, Simon. “Taiwan’s National Assembly Elections.” The China Quarterly 129 (Mar. 1992): 216-28.

McBeath, Gerald A. “Restructuring Government in Taiwan.” Asian Survey 40.2 (2000): 251-268.

Mei, Wen-Li. “The Intellectuals on Formosa.” The China Quarterly 15 (Jul.-Sep. 1963): 65-74.

Peng, Ming-min. “Political Offenses in Taiwan: Laws and Problems. The China Quarterly 47 (Jul.-Sep. 1971): 471-93.

Riggs, Fred W. “Chinese Administration in Formosa.” Far Eastern Survey 12 Dec. 1951: 209-15.

Riggs, Fred W. Rev. of Colonial Development and Population in Taiwan by George W. Barclay and A Report on Taiwan’s Population. Far Eastern Survey Aug. 1954: 128.

Tozer, Warren. “Taiwan’s ‘Cultural Renaissance’: A Preliminary View.” The China Quarterly 43 (Jul.-Sep. 1970): 81-99.

Uhalley, Stephen, Jr. “Taiwan’s Response to the Cultural Revolution.” Asian Survey 7.11 (1967): 824-29.

Walker, Gordon. Rev. of Formosa Under Chinese Nationalist Rule by Fred W. Riggs. Far Eastern Survey 17 Dec. 1952: 191-2.


Brown, Deborah A., Eric P. Moon, and James A. Robinson. “Taiwan’s 1998 Local Elections: Appraising Steps in Democratization.” Asian Survey 38.6 (1998): 569-84.

Chao, Linda, and Ramon H. Myers. “The First Chinese Democracy: Political Development of the Republic of China on Taiwan, 1986-1994.” Asian Survey 34.3 (1994): 213-30.

Chou, Yangsun, and Andrew J. Nathan. “Democratizing Transition in Taiwan.” Asian Survey 27.3 (1987): 277-99.

Chu, Yun-han, and Larry Diamond. “Taiwan’s 1998 Elections: Implications for Democratic Consolidation.” Asian Survey 39.5 (1999): 808-22.

Copper, John F. “Taiwan’s Recent Election: Progress toward a Democratic System.” Asian Survey 21.10 (1981): 1029-39.

Domes, Jurgen. “Political Differentiation in Taiwan: Group Formation within the Ruling Party and the Opposition Circles 1979-1980.” Asian Survey 21.10 (1981): 1011-28.

Hao, Paul W. Rev. of Taiwan: National Identity and Democratization by Alan Wachman. Pacific Affairs 69.3 (1996): 411-12.

Israel, John. “Politics on Formosa.” The China Quarterly 14 (Jul-Sep. 1963): 3-11.

Lee, Lin-Lee. Political Discourse and Democratization: Campaign Rhetoric in the Taiwanese Presidential Election of 1996. Diss. U of Minnesota, 2000. Ann Arbor: UMI, 2000.

Leng, Shao-chuan, and Cheng-yi Lin. “Political Change on Taiwan: Transition to Democracy?” Special Issue: Greater China. The China Quarterly 136 (Dec. 1993): 805-39.

Myers, Ramon H. “Political Theory and Recent Political Developments in the Republic of China.” Asian Survey 27.9 (1987): 1003-1022.

Tan, Qingshan, Peter Kien-hong Yu, and Wen-chun Chen. “Local Politics in Taiwan: Democratic Consolidation.” Asian Survey 36.5 (1996): 483-94.

Thompson, Thomas N. “Taiwan’s Ambiguous Destiny.” Asian Survey 16.7 (1976): 611-19.

Tien, Hung-mao. “Taiwan in Transition: Prospects for Socio-Political Change.” The China Quarterly 64 (Dec. 1975): 615-44.

Tien, Hung-mai, and Tun-jen Cheng. “Crafting Democratic Institutions in Taiwan.” The China Journal 37 (1997): 1-27.

Ts’ai, Ling, and Ramon H. Myers. “Surviving the Rough-and-Tumble of Presidential Politics in an Emerging Democracy: The 1990 Elections in the Republic of China on Taiwan.” The China Quarterly 129 (Mar. 1992): 123-48.

Ts’ai, Ling, and Ramon H. Myers. “Winds of Democracy: The 1989 Taiwan Elections.” Asian Survey 30.4 (1990): 360-79.

Winckler, Edwin A. “Institutionalization and Participation on Taiwan: From Hard to Soft Authoritarianism?” The China Quarterly 99 (Sep. 1984): 481-99.

Wu, Yu-Shan. “Marketization of Politics: The Taiwan Experience.” Asian Survey 29.4 (1989): 382-400.

Yearly Reviews:

Appleton, Sheldon L. “Taiwan: The Year It Finally Happened.” A Survey of Asia in 1971: Part 1. Asian Survey 12.1 (1972): 32-37.

Cabestan, Jean-Pierre. “Taiwan in 1998: An Auspicious Year for the Kuomintang.” A Survey of Asia in 1998. Asian Survey 39.1 (1999): 140-147.

Cabestan, Jean-Pierre. “Taiwan in 1999: A Difficult Year for the Island and the Kuomintang.” A Survey of Asia in 1999. Asian Survey 40.1 (2000): 172-180.

Chang, Parris. “Taiwan in 1982: Diplomatic Setback Abroad and Demands for Reforms at Home.” A Survey of Asia in 1982: Part 1. Asian Survey 23.1 (1983): 38-46.

Chang, Parris. “Taiwan in 1983: Setting the Stage for Power Transition.” A Survey of Asia in 1983: Part 1. Asian Survey 24.1 (1984): 122-26.

Cheng, Peter P. “Taiwan 1975: A Year of Transition.” A Survey of Asia in 1975: Part 1. Asian Survey 16.1 (1976): 61-65.

Cheng, Tun-jen. “Taiwan in 1996: From Euphoria to Melodrama.” A Survey of Asia in 1996: Part 1. Asian Survey 37.1 (1997): 43-51.

Cheng, Tun-jen, and Yi-shing Liao. “Taiwan in 1997: An Embattled Government in Search of New Opportunities.” A Survey of Asia in 1997: Part 1. Asian Survey 38.1 (1998): 53-63.

Copper, John F. “Taiwan in 1980: Entering a New Decade.” A Survey of Asia in 1980: Part 1. Asian Survey 21.1 (1981): 51-62.

Copper, John F. “Taiwan in 1981: In a Holding Pattern.” A Survey of Asia in 1981: Part 1. Asian Survey 22.1 (1982): 47-55.

Copper, John F. “Taiwan in 1986: Back on Top Again.” A Survey of Asia in 1986: Part 1. Asian Survey 27.1 (1987): 81-91.

Domes, Jurgen. “Taiwan in 1991: Searching for Political Consensus.” A Survey of Asia in 1991: Part 1. Asian Survey 32.1 (1992): 42-49.

Domes, Jurgen. “Taiwan in 1992: On the Verge of Democracy.” A Survey of Asia in 1992: Part 1. Asian Survey 33.1 (1993): 54-60.

Dreyer, June Teufel. “Taiwan in 1989: Democratization and Economic Growth.” A Survey of Asia in 1989: Part 1. Asian Survey 30.1 (1990): 52-58.

Dreyer, June Teufel. “Taiwan in 1990: Finetuning the System.” A Survey of Asia in 1990: Part 1. Asian Survey 31.1 (1991): 57-63.

Gurtov, Melvin. “Taiwan: Looking to the Mainland.” A Survey of Asia in 1967: Part 1. Asian Survey 8.1 (1968): 16-20.

Gurtov, Melvin. “Taiwan in 1966: Political Rigidity, Economic Growth.” A Survey of Asia in 1966: Part 1. Asian Survey 7.1 (1967): 40-45.

Hsiung, James C. “Taiwan in 1984: Festivity, New Hope, and Caution.” A Survey of Asia in 1984: Part 1. Asian Survey 25.1 (1985): 90-96.

Hsiung, James C. “Taiwan in 1985: Scandals and Setbacks.” A Survey of Asia in 1985: Part 1. Asian Survey 26.1 (1986): 93-101.

Jacobs, J. Bruce. “Taiwan 1979: ‘Normalcy’ after ‘Normalization.’” A Survey of Asia in 1979: Part 1. Asian Survey 20.1 (1980): 84-93.

Jacobs, J. Bruce. “Taiwan 1972: Political Season.” Asian Survey 13.1 (1973): 102-112.

Jacobs, J. Bruce. “Taiwan 1973: Consolidation of the Succession.” A Survey of Asia in 1973: Part 1. Asian Survey 14.1 (1974): 22-29.

Jacobs, J. Bruce. “Taiwan 1978: Economic Successes, International Uncertainties” A Survey of Asia in 1978: Part 1. Asian Survey 19.1 (1979): 20-29.

Kallgren, Joyce K. “Nationalist China: Political Inflexibility and Economic Accommodation.” A Survey of Asia in 1963: Part 1. Asian Survey 4.1 (1964): 638-45.

Kallgren, Joyce K. “Nationalist China: Problems of a Modernizing Taiwan.” A Survey of Asia in 1964: Part 1. Asian Survey 5.1 (1965): 12-17.

McBeath, Gerald. “Taiwan in 1976: Chiang in the Saddle.” A Survey of Asia in 1976: Part 1. Asian Survey 17.1 (1977): 18-26.

McBeath, Gerald. “Taiwan in 1977: Holding the Reins.” Asian Survey 18.1 (1978): 17-28.

Plummer, Mark. “Taiwan: The ‘New Look’ in Government.” A Survey of Asia in 1968: Part 1. Asian Survey 9.1 (1969): 18-22.

Plummer, Mark. “Taiwan: Toward a Second Generation of Mainland Rule.” A Survey of Asia in 1969: Part 1. Asian Survey 10.1 (1970): 18-24.

Seymour, James D. “Taiwan in 1987: A Year of Political Bombshells.” A Survey of Asia in 1987: Part 1. Asian Survey 28.1 (1988): 71-77.

Seymour, James D. “Taiwan in 1988: No More Bandits.” A Survey of Asia in 1988: Part 1. Asian Survey 29.1 (1989): 54-63.

Tien, Hung-mao. “Taiwan in 1995: Electoral Politics and Cross-Strait Relations.” A Survey of Asia in 1995: Part 1. Asian Survey 36.1 (1996): 33-40.

Wu, Yu-shan. “Taiwan in 1993: Attempting a Diplomatic Breakthrough.” A Survey of Asia in 1993: Part 1. Asian Survey 34.1 (1994): 46-54.

Wu, Yu-shan. “Taiwan in 1994: Managing a Critical Relationship.” A Survey of Asia in 1994: Part 1. Asian Survey 35.1 (1995): 61-69.

Wu, Yu-shan. “Taiwan in 2000: Managing the Aftershocks from Power Transfer.” A Survey of Asia in 2000. Asian Survey 41.1 (2001): 40-48.


Friday, February 25, 2005

Gotta read this...

Kerim Friedman's Dissertation: "Learning 'Local' Languages: Passive Revolution, Language Markets, and Aborigine Education in Taiwan"
